Kolkata: Welcoming the verdict of Calcutta High Court for deploying central forces for the rural polls, Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari said that he will file a caveat in Supreme Court so that the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) doesn’t move their single-sided challenging the High Court’s order.
“Once again it is proven that the judiciary plays an important role in democracy. Now as per the order of the High Court, the State Election Commission (SEC) will have to give requisition for the central forces either to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) or to Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla. The State Election Commissioner Rajiva Sinha worked as per instructions of the Chief Minister and didn’t even open a redressal cell,” said Adhikari.
Judiciary plays an important role in democracy
Hoping for free and fair elections, Adhikari mentioned that if need be people will visit camps of central forces to seek help.
“By deployment of central forces the strongrooms will be secured and people can go out to vote. In several booths TMC will win uncontested. I can assure that even in those booths TMC will lose in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. I said that in Sagardighi TMC will lose and that happened. In Nandigram where Mamata Banerjee had lead in Assembly elections there BJP will win this time. Some booths having minority population even there TMC will lose,” further added the Leader of Opposition.