In a startling turn of events, a Sweet Night event organised by the Mauranipur Nagar Palika as part of the annual Mela Jal Vihar Mahotsav turned chaotic on Thursday night as the crowd spiraled out of control. Russian dancers were brought in to entertain the local residents at this highly anticipated event.
Chaos erupts after men dance near stage
A large gathering had assembled to witness the dance performances. However, things took an unexpected turn when a group of young men began dancing near the stage. As their enthusiasm grew, the crowd's behavior became increasingly unruly.
In response to the escalating situation, the police took drastic measures and resorted to baton charging the young men, further intensifying the chaos. It has been reported that the event was organised without prior permission from the police.
One youth seriously injured in lathi-charge
The event was inaugurated by State Government Minister Manohar Lal Panth. This event, an annual tradition, consistently draws a significant crowd of attendees.
In the aftermath of the incident, one of the injured youths was rushed to the local community health center for medical treatment. Given the severity of his injuries, he was subsequently referred to a medical college for specialised care. Dr. Ravindra, the medical officer overseeing the case, emphasised the seriousness of the young man's condition, necessitating treatment at a higher-level facility.
"The police have brought a patient. Jalvihar Mahotsav is going on here. There was a lathicharge by police. He got injured in the same. The condition of the patient is not good. After first aid, he was referred to Jhansi Medical. He has an injury near his eye," Dr. Ravindra said.