Pilibhit, December 27: A police sub inspector, Mahendra Singh Yadav, 58, posted at Amaria police station in Uttar Pradesh's Pilibhit district, has been arrested by a team of anti-corruption unit for “demanding Rs 20,000 from a gang-rape accused for filing a closure report in his favour”. An FIR was registered in the matter by the officer in charge of the anti-corruption unit’s team, Praveen Sanyal, at Sungarhi police station.
A court in Almora started hearing the matter
In the FIR, Sanyal stated, “A resident of Almora in Uttarakhand, had approached the anti-corruption unit’s senior officer with a written request to catch S-I Yadav. The Uttarakhand resident claimed that he had filed a criminal case against a resident under Amaria police limits in Pilibhit in 2020 after his cheque of Rs 2 lakh bounced. A court in Almora started hearing the matter.”
The Amaria resident wanted the Uttarakhand man to withdraw the case
The FIR further said: “The Amaria resident wanted the Uttarakhand man to withdraw the case. When he did not, the wife of the Amaria resident filed an FIR with the charge of gang-rape against three people, including the man from Uttarakhand, at a police station in Pilibhit on November 15. The case was then handed over to S-I Yadav.” The sub inspector was subsequently booked and sent to jail on Tuesday.