Tamil Nadu: A welder Basheer from Madurai fall in love with a transgender women Kalki from Chennai after they get connected through social media. Both of them get married, but friend and relatives of Basheer are against their marrige and alledegly giving threats to them.
The 38-year-old Basheer became a friend of 35-year-old Kalki through Facebook which ead their budding friendship converted in to love, while in the month of March, both of them gets connected on FB and later on October 14, they get married at a temple in Madurai.
But the family of Basheer did not accept their marriage, however they were continously giving the threats of violence and opposition allegedly came from his family. His friends and family could not get over the fact that Kalki is a trans woman.
Yesterday, October 15, Basheer and Kalki have given a written complaint to Madurai District Collector TG Vinay seeking protection from friends and family.
As reported in NewsMinute, Basheer had said, "to my family, the idea of my love for a trans woman was revolting. We had been in a relationship for over six months when they realised we were serious about marriage. They immediately filed a complaint against me to the local police station.
"They claimed that I was trying to steal items from the house for her and took me to the police station last week. The inspector insulted me and made transphobic comments, fully aware of the real intentions of my family," he alleges.
Kalki said that, "I was earning up to a lakh a month and was independent. But when Basheer professed his love to me, I gave it up to be with him," she tells TNM.
"He said my past doesn't matter and we will now survive with what he earns. I didn't marry him for his money or looks. I married him because he is the first man to accept me completely for who I am," she added.
"His family is threatening him, his friends are mocking him and his colleagues are disgusted," Kalki further added. When asked about the threats received by the couple however, she said "I am not afraid. I am a trans woman and I am proud. We don't fear anyone."