Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday took a jibe at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his visit to the United States of America, saying that he went abroad to escape the summer heat in India.
“Rahul baba is going abroad on a vacation to escape the summer heat. He keeps criticising the country there. I would like to suggest Rahul Gandhi to learn from his ancestors,” said Amit Saha while addressing a rally in Gujarat’s Patan.
"Any patriotic person should discuss Indian politics within India. It does not suit the leader of any party to go abroad and discuss the country's politics and criticise the country.
"Rahul baba, you must remember that the people of the country are watching it closely,” he added.
Shah also said four generations of the Gandhis could not achieve what Modi did in nine years.
He said Prime Minister Modi is working to raise the stature of India globally, while on the other hand, the Congress' "prince" Rahul Gandhi goes abroad and insults the country.