A discrepancy in India's map's vector, as carried on a Government of India (GoI) website has come to light after a Mumbai-based activist pointed out that parts of the union terrority of Jammu and Kashmir are missing while Andaman & Nicobar Islands are altogether missing from the map in question. Activist BN Kumar spotted the error and has complained to the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) regarding it.
"The map, as indicated on the Indian government's official website www.mygov.in is incorrect. It is visible that some parts of Jammu and Kashmir are not included," said activist B N Kumar in his complaint to the PMO. Kumar also presented an official map that shows the entire Jammu and Kashmir as part of India and requested the PMO to have its map corrected.
The complaint has been registered and referred to an official named Mukul Dixit. Kumar said that he had spoken to a former top official in the PMO who said “some proper guidelines were not followed” while uploading the map.
Kumar has also posted the maps and his complaint tagging the PMO and PM Narendra Modi on social media platform X.
Some global websites including the World Health Organisation consistently show Pakistan Occupied Kashmir cut from the Indian map, Kumar pointed.