The results of the Kerala Lottery for Akshaya AK-637 on February 04 (Sunday) will be disclosed today. The official results will be announced at 3 PM and posted on the official portal by 4 PM. Winners are revealed in various categories, but the top winner takes home a whopping Rs 70,00,000.
Kerala Lottery: Results for Akshaya AK-637 for Sunday, 04-02-2024. You can also check the results at,
What is Kerala Lottery?
Kerala is one of the first & foremost states to establish a full-fledged lottery department in 1967, for running lottery contests involving common public. Not just one but multiple types of lotteries are conducted under the aegis of state government. As the lottery system, right from picking numbers to announcement of lottery sambad draws, happens via a government body, it leaves very less scope for ambiguities & irregularities.
The lottery sambad draws are held in presence of a committee of govt officials & public figures, hence one remains assured of procedures’ fairness & impartiality. The lottery results are announced on the official website and also in newspapers, thus enabling the winners to rightfully claim their prize money.
How many types of lotteries in Kerala?
Kerala lottery department conducts a total of seven weekly lotteries, out of which Sthree Sakthi & Fifty Fifty FF 80 are most popular. Sthree Sakthi was introduced by Kerala government for raising funds for women welfare in the state. This lottery is conducted on every Tuesday.
Besides weekly lotteries, the state government also runs a number of bumper lotteries. Named as Christmas New Year Bumper, Summer Bumper, Monsoon Bumper, Pooja Bumper & more, these lotteries are launched at specific times of the year like Christmas, Monsoon & more.
What is the prize money?
The prize money for various lotteries under Kerala lottery department varies in terms of monetary rewards. Fifty Fifty FF 80 of the Kerala Sambad lottery is the most rewarding, as it has a whopping Rs 1 crore and Rs 10 lakh reward, for first & second prize winners respectively. In Sthree Sakthi lottery, the topmost winner gets a monetary reward of Rs 75 lakh.
Win Win W-754: Prize money for lottery winners
1st Prize Rs.70,00,000
2nd Prize Rs.5,00,000
3rd Prize Rs.1,00,000
4th Prize Rs.5,000
5th Prize Rs.2,000
6th Prize Rs.1,000
7th Prize Rs.500
8th Prize Rs.100
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000
How to claim your prize money
The results of Kerala Sambad lottery are announced on official websites namely and You can check your results on any of these portals by checking your lottery numbers in the list of winners. If your ticket number matches any winning number, you will be entitled to winning amount.
For claiming your prize, you will have to visit Kerala Lottery office in Thiruvananthapuram. You must apply for prize money within 30 days after the draw else it may lapse. Also, the lottery winners have to return their lottery ticket within 30 days to the department. If you don’t, you won’t get your prize money.