Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal hit out at Aam Aadmit Party (AAP) over its planned protest towards the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) headquarters on Sunday. Maliwal said that there was a time when people took to the streets to seek justice for Nirbhaya, and now the people will be out on the streets to "save an accused".
Maliwal, who alleged Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's personal secretary Bibhav Kumar, of assaulting her the CM's residence on May 13, wrote a post on X expressing displeasure over AAP's protest.
"At one time, we all took to the streets to get justice for Nirbhaya. Today, 12 years later, we are out on the streets to save someone accused of making CCTV footage disappear and formatting a phone? I wish we had put in this much effort for Manish Sisodia ji. If he were here, maybe things wouldn’t have been so bad for me!" she said.
Kumar was arrested on May 18 in the alleged assault case and was sent to five days of police custody. Maliwal filed an FIR against him four days after the alleged attack. According to the Rajya Sabha MP, she was slapped seven to eight times by Kumar on May 13.
"I repeatedly told him that I am having my periods and that he should please let go of me as I am in unbearable pain. However, he attacked me with full force again and again," her FIR stated.
AAP's protest march towards BJP headquarters
In a video message on May 18, Kejriwal announced that he along AAP leaders and supporters would march to the BJP headquarters to protest against arrests of the party workers. He also slammed the BJP for detaining its party members one by one, a tactic he claims is targeted to dismantle AAP.