In a shocking incident that took place in Indapuram of Ghaziabad district in Uttar Pradesh, in a video a woman was targeted by a unidentified biker who snatched her mangalsutra while she was creating a reel on the roadside. The biker swiftly approached the woman, snatched the chain, and made a swift escape, leaving the victim and witnesses stunned.
A case has been registered against the biker, news agency ANI reported.
In the video women seem very unaware and was walking on the street slowly making her reel and the biker seized the opportunity and snatched the gold mangalsutra without hurting the woman. The women after the incident can been seen running behind the biker but the biker fled the scene before being caught.
Although a police complaint has been registered regarding the case.
Past Chain Snatching Incidents
A case of chain snatching from an elderly woman came to fore on Sunday night in Madhya Pradesh, making it clear that the fear of the police has now completely vanished among the miscreants.
The latest case has come to light from a posh colony of the city where an elderly woman standing at the door of her house was robbed. The miscreants immediately fled the scene.
According to reports, a 65-year-old woman Krishna Gupta, living in Harishankarpuram of Jhansi Road police station area of Gwalior, was standing at the door of her house when a young man approached her. The youth came on foot talking on a mobile phone, and started asking for directions. By the time the elderly woman could understand something, the miscreant pounced on her neck and snatched the gold chain.