Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Thursday claimed that religious conversion was going on in Chhattisgarh on the behest of the Congress-led Bhupesh Baghel government in Chhattisgarh. Law would be enacted to curb this if the Bharatiya Janata Party is voted to power in the ensuing elections, he said. The Union Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj also said that democracy would be in danger if "sanatan" and "adivasi" lose their identities.
Addressing a massive rally at a local Town Club in Bastar headquarter in Jagdalpur, he also accused the Congress government of siphoning off funds provided by the Centre for various schemes.
“The Baghel government is encouraging religious conversion, particularly in Bastar region. The countdown of this government has begun. On the basis of conversion you (Congress) will not be able to form the government.
“A conspiracy is being played in the country and Baghel is also a part of it,” Singh alleged.
Singh, a Lok Sabha MP from Begusarai in Bihar, said without Sanatan and tribals, there is no identity of India. Democracy will be under threat the day “sanatan and adivasi” lose their identities, he claimed.