Ludhiana, January 26: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday, January 26, shared a personal "good news" with people at the Republic Day celebration event. Addressing a gathering in Ludhiana to celebrate India's 75th Republic Day, Bahgwant Mann announced his wife Dr Gurpreet Kaur is pregnant and expecting a child in March. A video of Mann making the announcement in public while sharing a positive message is going viral on social media.
"A good news coming in March. My wife Dr Gurpreet Kaur is 7-month pregnant," Mann announced. Dr Gurpreet got married to Mann in July 2022. She is Mann's second wife. Mann said he is making this news public to spread awareness regarding a social issue. "You would be surprise to know that we don't know if it is a baby girl or boy. And we don't want to know either. We only want that the baby should come to this world healthy," the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader added.
Bhagwant Mann Says His Wife Is 7-Month Pregnant:
The Chief Minister urged people not to try to determine the sex of an unborn child. "We don't know in which form the God's blessing would come," he added. His message was apparently against female foeticide, the process of finding out the sex of the foetus and undergoing abortion if it is a girl.
Female Foeticide In Punjab:
Punjab grapples with a dark undercurrent - female foeticide. Ultrasound technology, meant for medical progress, has become a tool for gender-based discrimination, skewing the natural sex ratio and creating a chilling imbalance. Though outlawed, clandestine clinics and societal pressures perpetuate this heinous practice.