Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from Jan 15th, 2023 to Jan 21st, 2024 for all zodiac signs

Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from Jan 15th, 2023 to Jan 21st, 2024 for all zodiac signs

From your love life to career and health to spirituality, find out what the cards reveal. Read on to know your weekly Tarot messages

Akshata KhanolkarUpdated: Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 11:07 AM IST
Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from Jan 15th, 2023 to Jan 21st, 2024 for all zodiac signs |


Dear Aries, this week you are going to be in a playful and carefree mood. It is time to make the most of all the auspicious opportunities coming your way. Your roadblocks could be your own emotional side, temptations and illusions presented by others. The opinions and validation coming from others should not matter. Follow your freedom, choose your path basis what excites you and what genuinely creates a sense of fulfilment. Some of you are going to be presented with new financial opportunities which can help you create prosperity. Singles should avoid rushing into a new connection. Some emotional confusions can be expected during this period in most of your relationships. Hence, it shall be best to tread with patience and caution. 

The Devil

The Devil |


Dear Taurus, this period brings healing. You will see steady improvements to your mental and physical well-being. Your aura and persona is preparing to shine with a healthy glow. Try and stick to a consistent routine to see best results. At your workplace, you are asked to stand your ground. This week brings a creative spark which will help you remove blocks from your path. When it comes to your personal life, you may decide to keep your emotions under wraps. There could be some things that you will prefer to process by yourself before revealing what is on your mind. You are healing on a deeply emotional level, hence there shall be an innate sense of self-love and calmness to your energy. Singles could meet someone special. 

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups |


Dear Gemini, you are going to go through a positive transformation and rebirth when it comes to your emotional state. This week is largely going to be about relationships, loyalty, love and bonding. You will choose a path that brings emotional happiness and joy. Singles could meet someone special and those in existing relationships may decide to commit. Some Geminis may decide to marry their partner, sign a new contract or engage in religious/spiritual rituals. You can expect invitations to family gatherings, parties and weddings. The overall mood will be light-hearted and fun. It is a good time to spend money on your health and well-being. Travel is also on the cards, for some of you.

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups |



Dear Cancerians, this week you are going to connect with your emotional and intuitive side. It is time to drop your shields and be vulnerable. You will be loving, caring, understanding and mature in your approach. You are going to be blessed with a lot of healing, especially when it comes to your emotional well-being and relationships. You can expect invitations to celebrations, parties, and gatherings. There shall be opportunities to connect with multiple people during this period. When it comes to your professional life, your confidence shall be your key to success. However, it shall be best to go slow and think things through before jumping into action. You could be particularly frugal. If you aren't already careful with your finances, you are advised to watch your spending. 

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups |




Dear Leo, this week brings a busy period. There shall be social obligations such as gatherings, parties and celebrations. Your community will play an important role in your life during this period. At work, it is time to take the leap of faith and unleash your talents. Your passion for your work and profession shall be ignited. However, try to remain humble while you are at it. This phase brings searing mental clarity and a strong intuition. Some of you may choose to engage in spiritual/religious activities which will further enhance your intuitive capability and help you move in the direction you desire. When it comes to your finances, you are advised to be frugal. Matters related to your home will also come into focus and could require special attention.

Four of Wands

Four of Wands |


Dear Virgo, this week you may take the lead and start new projects or work related activities. Some of you could be offered a new job or financial opportunity. You may move ahead full swing and bring powerful changes. Take a moment to bask in the joy of the potential that you carry. Pay attention to your intuition as it is going to be strong and you will receive many important signs/synchronicities. Someone in your vicinity may require your financial or emotional support. Your personal relationships will undergo transformation. Some connections will change or end. There could be some confrontations or arguments.Beware of your temper and the temper of those around you. Try to bring forgiveness into the equation and avoid making it an ego battle. 

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles |


Dear Libra, it seems like you have embraced change and are already heading in a new direction. It is a good time to take a breather and enjoy the results of your hard work. Rest, sleep and recuperation shall be crucial. Focus on eating right. Travel or creating travel plans is favourable during this period. There could be an opportunity to party and catch up with old friends. Weddings, celebrations, and gatherings are also indicated. Some Libras may decide to settle down or think about marrying their existing partners. Your home and family life looks stable and content. Communicate your needs clearly and draw boundaries whenever required. Overall, it looks like an auspicious period. 

Three of Cups

Three of Cups |


Dear Scorpio, this week the energy may seem a little intense and muddled. It shall be a busy period full of social activities, obligations, team-work, compromise leadership, and creativity. There could be parties, gatherings and other celebrations. Travel is indicated, for some of you. You can expect a rebirth and renewal during this period. You may want to dive deep and find profound answers through spiritual and other means. There is a tinge of melancholy to this period. Despite being surrounded by people, you may crave peace and quiet. Some of you may prefer to spend time alone and feel pangs of loneliness. Your intuition is going to be strong and you will get clear insights. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities. Your finances are going to pick up. 

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles |


Dear Sagittarius, this week brings exciting new beginnings and infinite possibilities. However, you are advised to take things slowly and steadily, especially if things around you start changing rapidly. Think and then act. You may have to deal with a difficult and competitive environment where it shall be best to stay on top of things. You will have the potential to emerge victorious. Communicate clearly and remain flexible. Beware of people who appear too good to be true and keep your belongings safe. Avoid taking shortcuts. Take care of your finances. You can expect travel and movement during this period. Single Sagittarians could start a new romantic cycle. Companionship and partnership is indicated. 

Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles |


Dear Capricorn, this week beware of stress and boredom. It is time to ignite your passion for your work and life, in general. Try to be grateful for all the abundance about to come your way in the near future. Avoid getting impatient as conclusions are within reach. Your personal life will come into focus. There could be new rules in your home and family. You or someone in your family may try to control the narrative. You may feel compelled to speak your truth in a commanding manner. You could feel a little emotionally overwhelmed and confused. Keep your speech and demeanour assertive yet humble in order to avoid confrontation. It shall be best to bring a mature approach in your dealings. Let go of some things and keep your peace. 

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups |


Dear Aquarius, this week you will be full of motivation and energy to get tasks done. It shall be a busy period. Beware of wasting your energy by running in circles without a proper plan. Look at the big picture and strategize. Your intuition and inner knowing shall be strong. You can expect clear answers/results to something. It will help you move in a new direction. Some of you are leaving behind a relationship, situation, or place. Typically, solitude may have helped you. However, this time try to lighten the mood by engaging in exploration and distractions. Travelling, reading, studying and experimenting shall be helpful. Some of you could be making changes to your home. 

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords |


Dear Pisces, this week you are cutting out some past baggage from your life. It is time to reclaim your power. Trust and thrive. Your energy will shine after you let go of things that are not meant for you. Take a step back, if required. Rest, recuperate and find some sleep. Meditation and therapy can bring some profound answers. Focus on your mental and spiritual well-being. Dive deep into your psyche and heal yourself. Avoid momentary temptations and indulgences which may not feel good later. Ground and protect your energy. Spend time with people who make you feel loved and comforted. 

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups |

Deck- White Sage Tarot


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