Yash Raj Films has not only launched some of the biggest acting talents in the Hindi film industry, but it has also nurtured some of the best musical talents. Given their penchant for discovering and launching some of the coolest artistes, the production house will now introduce its next big singing superstar - Bhajan Kumar - in a glitzy event in Mumbai.
“YRF will unveil Bhajan Kumar at a spectacular event in Mumbai this week. The production house has discovered some of the most special actors and music icons in the history of its existence and all eyes are on YRF to showcase who this new singing sensation is. Bhajan Kumar will be presented in all his glory at a glitzy media event on August 30,” a source reveals.
The source adds, “As the name suggests, Bhajan Kumar’s proficiency is in devotional music and YRF will showcase his singing talent at a live event designed to present him in front of the media. Bhajan Kumar is expected to captivate audiences with his brilliant singing skills and YRF will now have the bragging rights to present a singing sensation like never before, in him!”