Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi recently met the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during the UK-India Week 2023. It was the 5th iteration of IGF's flagship event, a weeklong program that sought to honour and strengthen the longstanding partnership between the two countries by providing a platform to spotlight crucial topics, including politics, trade, business, sustainability, inclusion, and innovation.
Sharing his rendezvous experience with Sunak, Oberoi took to Twitter and wrote, “Thank you Prime Minister @RishiSunak for the warm welcome at @10DowningStreet. Your family & the entire team at 10 Downing were very gracious hosts. Your passion & commitment to stronger India-Uk relations was heartening to see, especially when you said that we are all “living bridges” between two great nations, inspired me deeply.”
“I noticed every time you mentioned @narendramodi you said “Prime Minister Modi ji”, it was so touching to see that little gesture of respect that resonates deeply with our Indian culture & sanskars. I’m sure every Indian & all people of Indian origin feel a deep sense of pride for what you have achieved & we are rooting for you to achieve great things in partnership with our nation. A special thank you to Akshata Murty and Sudha Murtyji, she is truly a #superstar,” he added.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Vivek will be seen in Rohit Shetty's debut web series Indian Police Force. Vivek and Sidharth Malhotra will be portraying the lead roles in the series, which will stream exclusively on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video.