The Nawab of Bollywood graced the Koffee With Karan 8 couch in its latest episode, and he was accompanied by none other than his mother, the legendary actress Sharmila Tagore. During the episode, the mother-son duo were seen opening up about the time when Saif got married to Amrita Singh without informing anyone in his family.
Saif recalled how Sharmila had flown down to Mumbai from Delhi and that is when he broke the news of his marriage to her, which moved her to tears.
"She was supportive when I did it. She told me, ‘I believe you are living with someone and you are doing some things’. I said yes. And she said, ‘Just don’t get married’. And I said, ‘I got married yesterday’, and a big tear fell out of her eye and she started crying and I felt I really hurt her," Saif shared.
Sharmila added that there were several long silences in the family post the announcement, and that the first thing she did was that she called Saif's father Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, and he too was silent on hearing the news.
Host Karan Johar shared that Saif's sister Soha Ali Khan too had a story related to the actor's wedding with Amrita, and that she got to know from her schoolmates that her brother was already married.
When KJo prodded Saif about what made him get married to Amrita when he was just 20, the actor stated that it was more of "running away from home" feeling for him, and that he felt a sense of safety and security. "I thought I could make a home out of that," he said.
Sharmila also recalled the time when Saif and Amrita decided to part ways and stated that it was not a "harmonious time" for the family. However, she added that the differences were eventually sorted out, and that today, the entire Pataudi family is very cordial with Amrita.
For the unversed, Saif got married to Amrita in October 1991, when he was just 20 and she was 33. However, in 2004, they parted ways due to challenges in their relationship.
Saif and Amrita have two kids from their marriage -- Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan.