American model and television personality, Gigi Hadid, who was seen at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre grand opening in Mumbai, recently took to Instagram and posted a series of pictures that she wanted to share in the last few months but forgot to do so. While most of them were quite random, eagle-eyed desis spotted that the supermodel loves to gorge on this Indian delicacy.
One of Gigi’s pictures of a food spread shows the popular Maharashtrian snack Bakarwadi. It is a traditional crispy, deep-fried, disc-shaped, sweet, and spicy snack. Netizens claim that the one Gigi is eating is from Chitale Bandhu of Pune, who is one of the sellers responsible for popularising the snack and distributing it nationally and internationally.
Earlier this year, Gigi made heads turn as she marked her presence at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) wearing a white sari with golden work by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla.
Sharing her love for India, Gigi took to Instagram and thanked the Ambani family for inviting her to India and making her experience Indian culture.
"Warmest Thanks to the Ambani family for hosting me in Mumbai for the Opening Weekend of @maccindia!It was an honor to be there to witness your family's vision come to life, in a beautiful world-class Cultural Center to celebrate and cultivate the creatives and heritage of India," she wrote.
She added, "After seeing the opening nights of 'The Great Indian Musical' and 'India in Fashion' exhibit, I learned so much & know this venue will nurture future generations to explore their passions- from dance to design, from music to art. If you have the chance to visit & see these productions - I HIGHLY recommend!!!! Unforgettable first trip to India. Much love."