Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon celebrated her 34th birthday on July 27. Social media platforms were flooded with birthday wishes for Kriti and to thank her fans and followers, the actress posted a picture in which she is seen cutting a birthday cake. Now, several photos have gone viral in which she is seen enjoying a vacation on Greek island Mykonos.
On Reddit, some photos have surfaced in which Kriti is seen with her rumoured boyfriend Kabir Bahia, who is a UK-based businessman.
In fact, on Sunday (July 28), Kabir posted a photo from the same location on his Instagram story. However, he did not tag Kriti. Take a look at the now-viral photos here:
In March 2024, Kriti was spotted her in London, and that too while she was taking a stroll with a mystery man. A photo of Kriti holding hands with a mystery man has surfaced on the internet, and within no time, it went viral, with people guessing the man was Kabir.
For the past few days, rumours have been doing the rounds that Kriti is dating Kabir, who happens to be a close friend of former Team India skipper, Mahendra Singh Dhoni and his wife Sakshi Dhoni. Now, as Kriti's new pictures went viral, netizens wondered if the rumours about their relationship were indeed true.
On the work front, Kriti was last seen in Crew, in which she will be seen shared the screen with Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tabu for the first time. Also starring Diljit Dosanjh and Kapil Sharma in key roles, Crew released on March 29.
She will next be seen in a film directed by Anurag Kashyap and another one which will be helmed by Manish Malhotra. The actress also has Do Patti with Kajol in the pipeline.