Actress Sanjjanaa Galrani has a high-profile meeting with Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah to discuss critical safety issues within the Kannada film industry. In a video shared by ANI, the south actress presented a memorandum proposing the formation of an association aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of those involved in the Kannada film sector.
Her initiative reflects a growing concern for the welfare of workers in an industry fraught with difficulties, such as unsafe working conditions. The memorandum outlines key measures to enhance safety protocols and provide better support to women.
The Soggadu actress amid the #MeeToo movement has requested to form a body, SWAA (Sandalwood Woman Artist Association), an initiative by Sanjjanaa Galarani Foundation to protect women from exploitation.
She shared a letter that she has sent to the Kannada Film Chamber of Commerce, in which she has humbly requested to implicate many factors related to women's safety. Sharing the letter in different languages on Instagram, she wrote, "Following the #metoo movement, it’s time to look for solutions and not complain about the problems of the past. Here is my request letter describing how important it is to form a woman committee that never existed in our Kannada film industry."
A day prior, the Film Industry for Rights and Equality (FIRE) urged the Karnataka government to form a committee led by a retired judge to investigate challenges confronting women in the Kannada film industry.
FIRE also addressed a letter to Karnataka's Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah, emphasising the issue and raising worries over women's safety in the industry's workplace.