Tamil Nadu: In a fervent display of opposition against the National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET), the ruling Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) in Tamil Nadu has launched a state-wide hunger strike. Spearheading the agitation is Tamil Nadu Minister and the party's Youth Wing chief, Udhayanidhi Stalin, who was visibly emotional during the protest.
The protest started at Valluvar Kottam and saw the participation of prominent DMK leaders, including Duraimurugan, Ma Subramanian, and PK Sekar Babu, as well as party MPs, MLAs, and Chennai Mayor Priya R. The event aimed to rally against NEET, advocating for its abolition.
The National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET) has long been a topic of contention, particularly in states like Tamil Nadu. Critics argue that NEET places an undue burden on students, particularly those from rural and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. They contend that the uniform examination doesn't account for the diversity in the education system across different states.
Udhayanidhi Stalin's emotional breakdown during the protest underscored the deeply personal and heartfelt nature of the cause. The DMK leader, along with the entire assembly of protestors, expressed their concerns over NEET's potential to limit access to medical education for a significant portion of Tamil Nadu's aspiring doctors.
As the protest unfolds, it remains to be seen how the state government and the central authorities respond to the growing calls for the abolition of NEET in Tamil Nadu.