In an effort to tackle the challenges faced by government schools, the Rural Development and Panchayathi Raj Ministry of Tamil Nadu will convene a Grama Sabha, or village council, on January 26. The State Education Department has issued a circular, mandating the attendance of key education stakeholders, including district education officers, assistant education officers, headmasters, teachers, and School Management Committee (SMC) members at this critical meeting.
Prioritizing infrastructure development and dropout prevention
The Grama Sabha meeting will delve into crucial topics such as the allocation of funds for the infrastructure development of schools and strategies to prevent dropouts from government schools across the state. A senior official from the School Education Department emphasized the pivotal role Grama Sabhas can play in significantly reducing dropout rates.
Beyond primary education, the meeting will also address challenges faced by students pursuing higher education. The State Rural Department has introduced the 'Namma Grama Sabai' app, designed to document meeting details such as timings, participant numbers, and photographs of attendees.
Commitment to Community-Centric Solutions
Tamil Nadu has scheduled six Grama Sabhas throughout the year, underlining the government's commitment to improving the education system and fostering community engagement. The meetings, set for January 26, March 22, August 15, May 1, October 2, and November 1, will actively address a range of village-related issues, reflecting a comprehensive approach to enhance the quality of education in rural areas.
(Inputs from IANS)