The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has activated the online portal so that children with special needs (CWSN) can use the resources for the 2024 board exams. The board has instructed students with special needs to use the online portal to request any accommodations or exemptions from the schools that they may require. The website will be accessible through January 24, 2024.
For CWSN students taking the 2024 board exams, every CBSE school has been instructed to fill out the registration forms and update the status on the board's "Pariksha Sangam" portal. The schools will use their login ID and password to access the portal, where they will see a list of all of their CWSN students as well as the facilities that are appropriate for each student category based on their disability.
CBSE issued official notification
According to an official board notification, each year, CWSN students approach the board shortly before exams are held, requesting accommodations or exemptions from the board's rules for the duration of the exam.
The notification also stated that if students choose to use any of the facilities, they must indicate their preference. If they do, the information will be available right on the admit card, and the center superintendent will be given the go-ahead to make the required arrangements. The 'Parkisha Sangam' portal now has the facility's website link available.
Similar to last year, the school in question can make a request via the website for any special arrangements or exceptions that the CBSE allows for CWSN students to utilize during the exams.