Yes Bank on Wednesday announced the allotment of 9,30,084 equity shares of face value of Rs 2 each today pursuant to exercise of 9,30,084 options under YBL ESOS 2020 Scheme (YBL PESOP 2020 Plan) and the Bank has realized Rs 1,22,63,691.50 by exercise of options, the company announced through an exchange filing.
The face value of the equity shares is Rs 2 each.
With this allotment, the paid-up share capital of the Bank stands increased from Rs 57,51,17,57,768 consisting of 28,75,58,78,884 equity shares of Rs 2 each to Rs 57,51,36,17,936 consisting of 28,75,68,08,968 equity shares of Rs 2 each.
Yes Bank shares
The shares of Yes Bank on Wednesday at 2:29 pm IST were at Rs 17.05, up by 0.59 percent.
Yes Bank Financial performance Q1FY24
Yes Bank reported a 10.3 per cent on-year growth in net profit for the June quarter at Rs 343 crore, buoyed by a massive improvement in the asset quality as bad loans plunged to 2 per cent on-year from 13.2 per cent.