The markets on Tuesday morning opened flat with Sensex at 65,684.10, up by 55.96 points and Nifty was at 19,548.50 with a gain of 19.70 points. Titan, Bajaj Finance, L&T, Tata Motors and ITC were the top gainers in the morning session, whereas JSW Steel, Bharti Airtel, Tata Steel, Maruti and ICICI Bank were among the losers.
Markets on Monday
The benchmark indices ended on a positive note amid a firm trend in global markets. The 30-share BSE Sensex was up 274.06 points to end the day at 65,661.22 and the NSE Nifty went up by 102.15 points to end the day at 19,537.45. Nifty Bank gained 150.15 points or 0.34 percent at 44,586.25.
Global markets
US markets were closed on Monday on the occasion of Labour day.
The Asian stock markets were trading lower on Tuesday with GIFT Nifty exchange trading lower at 19,591.50 up by 7.50 points, Hong Kong's Hang Seng shed 212.05 points at 18,632.11, Japan's Nikkei 225 lost 91.35 points at 32,847.83 and South Korea's KOSPI dropped 6.83 points at 2,577.72.
Oil prices
Oil prices were trading mixed on Tuesday as Brent crude futures for November lost 10 cents at $88.90 per barrel and US West Texas Intermediate crude jumped to $85.88 per barrel with a gain of 33 cents.
The Indian rupee opened lower on Tuesday morning at 82.78 per dollar against Monday's close of 82.74.