From being empowered with the SEBI Act in the aftermath of Harshad Mehta's scam in 1992, to rebranding itself as investor-friendly, the Securities and Exchange Board of India has been shaped by market conditions. The market regulator has also stayed tech savvy with measures including use of AI to track social media activity for detecting possible scams.
In line with its new image, SEBI has adopted a new logo on its 35th foundation day, which is sleek and carries a font that highlights its future-focused approach.
Changing with time but staying sharp
The new symbol visible on the website is a departure from the compact cube-shaped design that bundled the four initials together.
But the new design also merges letters together to give the simpler logo an edgier look.
Tweeple also spotted the change and received the upgrade positively, while SEBI hasn't released further details on the design.
Taking on new challenges with new look
Be it SBI's shift from a banyan tree to a keyhole or the replacement of Planning Commission with NITI Aayog, institutions in India have been adopting new aesthetics.
The upgrade also comes at a time when SEBI is being urged to scale up vigilance after Hindenburg's allegations triggered a stock market rout for Adani.