Time Again For New Year, New Me?

Time Again For New Year, New Me?

In the season of soon-to-be-forgotten resolutions, the author reminds us that while shedding the comfort of mediocre choices is tough, if we dare to take that leap or that tiny step, it is a move.

Shavon BaruaUpdated: Tuesday, December 20, 2022, 10:52 AM IST
Shavan Barua - Brand curator, coach and consultant |

Here we are again. Rapidly wrapping up work and wrapping presents as Secret Santa or not so secretly for family and friends. Fervently keeping tabs on the year-end soirees or making the last-minute mad dash. Whatever the mindset, this is the time of year where almost everything gets laced with some magic dust. Or so we think. As though there is a possibility to renew and refresh just with the simple change of date and year! It is not logical, hence, magical? Honestly the year-end festivities are almost pure genius if you see it from the marketing lens. Arguably the most effective brand ambassador ever is Mr.Claus himself. A large chunk of the world at large continues to buy into him and all sorts of cosy happiness he pelts out! Now if that is not the epitome of a long-standing idea/ recurring campaign, what is? While all the festive fever is enjoyable and often most needed to blur the ordinary struggle, it is the irrational resolutions that amaze.


Think of how a whole host of folks treat the end of the year at the workplace. All the lies and statistics / predictive biz gains shed the mirage and the real story must be told. And yes, often the scam artists of the year are unveiled. One often wonders, why do we have to do these unrealistic predictions (read lies)? Do we think some magic sprinkles will make it happen? Sorry, but no. No magic here. Along with financials there are a bunch of promises of ‘better’ and ‘sharper’ – work, talent, ethics, efficiency, awards. But by January end or early February, all such silly notions are rested. Mediocrity quickly overtakes and the comfort of being average becomes the driving force. And a new set of prediction heroes
emerge. Have we not seriously had enough of this pattern?

C’mon now corporates, let’s give it a shot? Try and change? Let’s bring out the deserving people and give them the reins and finally and truly let the jaded make way for the able? And hey marketers, if you want to see brave work, try and work with the brave independent houses who are trying to be just that – brave and independent. Put most possible cliches of gender, ageism, bias out of the equation and honestly work towards embracing something new? And considering everyone awaits some miracle around this time of the year, maybe collectively the bigwigs can don their Santa Skin and do some real good in trying to reboot the corporate culture?


Look at the mega and oh-so-predictable chatter. Will lose weight, will quit booze, will leave this job, will be kind to people and self. Why wait? What is stopping us from starting off? Trying anything new is laden with fear. Make no mistake, shedding the comfort of mediocre choices is tough. Mediocrity helps us hide. But you know what, if we dare to take that leap or that tiny step, whatever be our gig, it is a move. It is not always about changing and moving to greener, newer pastures. Sometimes simply refocusing and some introspection does help in doing better in the current work.

So, will you have the long to-do list which will be tossed away soon or will you be the one who will make today matter? Don’t ask anyone but yourself. It’s totally ok if you don’t have an epiphany or the aha moment. Even better if you don’t have the wish to make grand stuff. It is really the little steps, the small changes and some self-talk that is worthwhile. And yes, no specific date required. It can start from next Tuesday or in the next 15 minutes. It is about the choices we as individuals make.

If we have the spine to make change big or small, we need to stop whining and get at it. Bashing a place that pays your salary is worth an eye roll. If you can make changes there, try, else go. Trust me it helps both sides. Yes, I speak on this because I’ve been there, done that.
Time to let go of the excuses. Time to stop taking advantages and playing victim, especially if you are faking it. It is so unfair to folks who have issues and need support. Honestly, if there is one change we need to make, we need to be real and authentic. The world adjusts.
It all simply boils down to an obvious point. If we really want to be better, half the job is done. The other half is simply to do it. So please, no ‘new year new me’. Let’s stick to another year and ‘same me’. Because we are rather fabulous!

Have a sparkling holiday season.

(The author is an independent brand curator, coach and consultant. She tweets at @landsdownelane)


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