Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A farmer and his three partners have found a precious diamond of gem quality from the shallow mines of Panna on Tuesday. The diamond weighs 16. 10 carat. The market price of diamond is being estimated to be around Rs 50 lakh.
The diamond examiner at Panna diamond Office Anupam Singh said that farmer Dilip Mistri and his partners have discovered the diamond at Jaruakhedi mine. The diamond has been deposited at Diamond Office.
When contacted by the Free Press, Dilip Mistry said that it was around 10 am on Tuesday that diamond was discovered. “We were washing the mud excavated from the mine and found the precious diamond,” he said.
He added that it is for the fourth time that he has succeeded to find the diamond. Earlier three diamonds were unearthed with different partners.
He told that in the lockdown period of corona, he and his friends were having no jobs. They decided to take the diamond mine of lease. The first diamond found by him was of 14 carat and it was sold in Rs 28 lakh. One more diamond was found earlier by him and it was sold in Rs 25 lakh. Through the money coming from the diamond, he has constructed a house for his family and has dig a bore well in his ancestral farmland of three acre.