Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): After easing shooting norms for film makers, the state government now wants to make Madhya Pradesh a post-production hub for films, documentaries, web and TV series.
Principal Secretary, Tourism and Culture Sheo Shekhar Shukla, told this film makers at a meeting held in the city on Wednesday.
Post-rpoduction activities include editing of visual and audio materials, cutting raw footage, assembling it, adding music, dubbing and sound effects.
Producer and actor Vani Tripathi Tikoo, producers Samir Sarkar, Sumit Khurana, Shobha Sant, Hemlata Upadhyay, Mumbai, Dhariyasheel Nimbalkar, Sunitha Tati, Mrinalini Khanna, Director (Production Management), Parth Arora, Dheer Momaya took part.
They held deliberations on shooting, permission and subsidy and other topics in the state. Besides, delegates visited Madhya Pradesh Tribal Museum and Sanchi Stupa.