Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The state government is rolling up its sleeves to carry out a major administrative reshuffle after the appointment of Veera Rana as full-fledged Chief Secretary. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav laid all speculations to rest by appointing Rana as CS, which also hinted at his good relations with the central leadership.
Now that a full-fledged CS has been appointed, the government may carry out a major administrative reshuffle. Several additional chief secretaries, principal secretaries, some heads of departments, and the commissioners of a few divisions may be changed. The CM and the CS are sifting through the records of officers the way the Central Government does. The officers will be given posting on the grounds of their records.
The officers, who performed well in their departments, will be given important positions. Commissioners Mal Singh, Sanjay Goyal and Deepak Singh of Indore, Ujjain and Gwalior, respectively, may be transferred. Among the officers in Mantralaya Mohd Suleman who has been posted in the Public Health Department for a long time may be shifted to an important department. He may be sent to the Urban Development Department.
Additional chief secretaries Rajesh Rajora, Ashok Barnwal, Vinod Kumar, Manu Shrivastava, JN Kansotia and KC Gupta may also be transferred. Among the principal secretaries Sanjay Dubey, Neeraj Mandloi, Deepali Rastogi and Rashmi Arun Shami may be transferred. Principal secretaries Manish Rastogi and Nishant Barbade who has returned from study leave, are waiting for posting.
Both of them may be transferred during the ensuing administrative reshuffle. The government is also getting ready to transfer the IPS officers. According to sources in the government, there may be major changes in the administration in the coming days.