Real Estate Or Pet Plots?

Real Estate Or Pet Plots?

FPJ EditorialUpdated: Friday, September 01, 2023, 12:02 AM IST
Real Estate Or Pet Plots? | Representative Image / Pixabay

The notorious drug dealers of Mumbai have been using man’s four-legged friends as unsuspecting accomplices in their devious schemes. Yes, dogs and cats are now unwitting landowners! In a staggering revelation, the Narcotic Control Bureau has uncovered a purr-fectly scandalous plot hatched by these cunning criminals. It seems that they have been purchasing properties and land under the names of innocent pets, all in a desperate attempt to evade detection and taxes. Who knew our furry companions had such a knack for real estate? With an estimated Rs 1000 crore involved, it's clear that these drug dealers were not playing cat and mouse. They must have thought they were cleverer than a Border collie and stealthier than a Siamese cat. Their little secret has been exposed and the truth is as plain as the wagging tail on a happy pup.

Now, the NCB finds itself in a bit of a conundrum. It seems they will have to expand their animal kingdom of landowners to include other domestic creatures. Will we witness the rise of moo-tiful cows and buffa-lovely buffaloes as the new faces of real estate ownership? In the meantime, we can't help but imagine the scene at the local property registry office. One can picture a tabby cat signing her paw print on a deed, or a pug dressed in a suit haggling over the price of a prime plot of land? Who would have thought that a simple meow or a wagging tail could disguise such complex financial shenanigans? As we hope that the NCB will be one up on the criminals, we say this to our beloved pets: keep your paws clean, your tails wagging, and remember, the only thing you should be investing in is our hearts, not real estate!


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