Editorial: Kangana's World War Folly

Editorial: Kangana's World War Folly

FPJ EditorialUpdated: Wednesday, May 08, 2024, 06:57 PM IST

In the ever-entertaining world of Bollywood, there's one actor who's truly mastered the art of cracking jokes without even trying. Enter Kangana Ranaut, the queen of unintentional humour. While most comedians labour over crafting jokes, Kangana effortlessly drops pearls of wisdom that leave everyone in stitches. Take her recent gem delivered at an election rally in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi single-handedly prevented World War III, she left the audience rolling in laughter. Oh, the irony! Instead of global gratitude, her plea for eight billion people to thank Modi might just earn her a spot in the next comedy lineup.

But Kangana didn't stop there. She elevated Modi's supposed "intervention" to mythical proportions, suggesting it averted the apocalypse itself. Who needs reality when you can spin tales of geopolitical heroism? Of course, Kangana's musings align perfectly with the Sangh Parivar's narrative of Modi as the saviour of nations. Ministers spin yarns of Modi's fleeting interventions, each more fantastical than the last. But then, who needs facts when you've got a good story?

Mandi, Kangana's battleground, boasts a hefty contingent of military folk who know a thing or two about global politics. They're well aware that India's neutrality at the UN and oil deals with Russia aren't exactly winning us friends in Ukraine. But facts are mere inconveniences in Kangana's world, where Modi and self-obsession reign supreme. Ah, self-obsession—the other pillar of Kangana's comedic empire. While she basks in the glow of her imagined popularity, her box office record tells a different tale. It's been flop after flop since 2015, but who needs hits when you've got Modi and Amitabh Bachchan to name-drop? So, here's to Kangana Ranaut, the accidental comedian extraordinaire. Long may she reign, bringing laughter to the masses, one unintentional joke at a time!


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