Why preventive healthcare for pets is important

Pet parents should integrate preventive care that often includes taking care of food, pet lifestyle, medications, and age-related risks

Dr Prasenna K Updated: Sunday, December 11, 2022, 01:07 PM IST

When your pet is not keeping well, many things might go through your mind: Will my pet be, okay? How much the treatment will cost? Can I afford it?  The question of whether this could have been avoided is among the most difficult to answer. As a devoted pet owner, you want your pet to live as long as possible in good health. Investing in preventive care throughout the pet’s life will help to achieve longevity.

Pet parents should integrate preventive care that often includes taking care of food, pet lifestyle, medications, and age-related risks. Nutrition plays a significant role in preventive care. 

To keep your pet happy and healthy, here are three focus areas of preventive care-

Protect your pet against ticks and fleas: The most common parasite seen in pets is flea and ticks. These cause skin discomfort. Fleas are harmful to pets but can also infect humans and spread other parasites like tapeworms and anemia in puppies and kittens. Ticks are tenacious parasites that can spread tick-borne relapsing fever, tick-related rash illness, and tularemia. Ticks primarily develop in the summer season and require medication post consulting the Veterinarians. Veterinarians take a blood sample of your pet and quickly test it for tick-borne illness. Further tests are to confirm the diagnosis, after which treatment will begin.

Heartworm and other parasite prevention: Heartworm disease in animals can be damaging. Dirofilarial imcites, a worm parasite, causes heartworm infection. Heartworm and parasites stress the heart health of our pets. Treating heartworm is costly, complicated, and time-consuming for pets. Fortunately, heartworms are entirely avoidable. Nutrition-rich food and yearly heartworm vaccination can save a pet’s life.

Keep vaccination up to date: Updated routine vaccinations for cats and dogs are necessary. The vet provides vaccination for pets against common viruses, such as rabies and parvo in dogs and panleukopenia in cats. It is vital to maintain these vaccinations as these infections are fatal to pets, and rabies is harmful to humans as well. Also, pet parents should consult their vet for food that is healthy and nutritional for each cat and dog. 

A regular Veterinarian visit can help with the pet’s’ primary vaccinations and treatments. The following advice is crucial in routine veterinary care and any other health check-ups as recommended by the vet based on the pet’s individual and unique needs. 

The following are a few precautionary care tips recommended by Vets for our furry companions:


Parasite management

Dental care


Stool screening

Blood tests, and 

Heartworm testing

The best medicine is prevention, and it is a strong belief that preventive care not only prolongs but also improves the quality of life of animal companions. Preventative healthcare measure makes it simple and affordable to provide the best care for your pet at every stage of their life.

Having a pet can be a fulfilling experience. They bring joy, excitement, and sense of belongingness to your life. So, a pet parent has to ensure their safety and take proper care. With few lifestyle changes, exact and regular consultation from a veterinarian, you can have a healthy and happy pet.

Published on: Sunday, December 11, 2022, 07:00 AM IST