Mickey Mehta writes about how to deal with mental health at the workplace

Stress, workload, toxic environment often impacts employees’ mental health. Here are easy way to deal with them

Mickey Mehta Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2023, 09:13 PM IST
Pic: Freepik

Pic: Freepik

When your plate is full, you tend to overeat, which often leads to indigestion and other problems like flatulence, constipation, and acidity. Similarly, when there’s tremendous workload on employees, it ought to be handled systematically by putting priorities and preferences, so that your plate of work doesn't get cluttered, and overcrowd you with stress.

Politics at work can also affect the mental health of employees. One needs to stay clear out of it, not participate, or get influenced by what happens around or behind their backs, as there is no validation and even if there is, the perspectives could differ. If one tries to see things in more considerable interest, then obviously chances of resentment, getting hurt, and disappointments would be rare.

Try not to be sensitive when it comes to people around you because all aren't empathetic, sympathetic, and compassionate and one may tend to misunderstand.

Misunderstanding at the workplace can also give rise to mental health issues. People, at times, become sensitive, get hurt, and hold resentment and grudges against most.

Different factors impact the mental health of employees. Following are some of them:

When the employees have a high-demand job and are required to deliver more than expected, they also have less control over their work decisions regarding how and when to do it

When they lack support from their seniors or the management

When they are not appreciated for the work they deliver and not rewarded for the same

When they are uncertain or stressed about their position and future at work

When they experience bias or unfair treatment

When they go through work-related violence -- abuse, assault, or bullying – which leads to work-related stress and mental health problems

Heavy workload, struggle with work-life balance, less control over work, dissatisfaction with work, negative attitudes, etc.

To handle job burnout there are tangible steps one can take to get on track:

a. Set goals and prioritise as to what is required to be done and what can wait.

b. Seek support from your colleagues or friends.

c. Practice yoga, meditation, and relaxing activities.

Regular physical activity can help you deal with stress and keep your mind off work.

Getting good quality sleep helps restore and repair your health.

Setting a routine that will help you with a better approach to things and the day. Mental health should be protected and promoted at work. Do not let all these work-related factors undermine your health.

Effortless and quick ways to relax

Splash or hold your face under running water till everything cools down and your eyes are relaxed; pat dry, and breathe

Sit quietly and sip warm water/herbal tea -- herbal teas may lift your mood and relieve stress

Simply do nothing, close your eyes, observe your breath as you inhale and exhale. Being aware of every breath realigns your mind to the ‘here and now’. When this happens, there is the stability of the mind. From strain to harmony, the fragmented pieces of the mind come into a state of oneness, and thus well-being and peace occur

Take a slow walk. A good walk can do wonders for your mental well-being. It improves self-perception, self-esteem, mood, reduces stress, anxiety, and fatigue

(Mickey Mehta is a global leading holistic health guru and life coach; website: www.drmickeymehta.com. You can follow him on:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mickeymehta

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mickey_mehta/)

Published on: Sunday, January 15, 2023, 07:00 AM IST