3 tips by Meera Gandhi for Hard Work

Hard work creates accomplishments: Hard work initially feels difficult, but through hard work we can accomplish much; accomplishment itself is joy

Meera Gandhi Updated: Friday, April 28, 2023, 06:03 PM IST

1 Hard work creates accomplishments: Hard work initially feels difficult, but through hard work we can accomplish much; accomplishment itself is joy.

2 We must work hard: Through hard work we learn that we are competent and able, and can handle anything.

3 Hard work connects us: Know that accomplishment at an individual level is connected to accomplishment on a universal level. We are connected to the universe through our hard work. In turn, it connects us to the universal energy on earth. 

‘Work is love made visible,’ said Kahlil Gibran, and these words have held true in my own life. When I understood that my individual effort is definitely connected to accomplishment on a universal level, it gave me faith and confidence. I was able to understand that we are not alone in our endeavours. Many other forces—visible and invisible—are supporting our efforts. Is this not a powerful piece of knowledge to keep in our minds as we give our all to the work we undertake?

The harder we work, the more competent we become, and the more knowledge we gain. This makes hard work easier and easier over time. These are gained skills we can pass on to the younger generations so they may accomplish the same tasks with greater ease. We also know that we will have newer technologies at hand, taking the planet’s accomplishments to a higher degree of sophistication and complexity, while making the task easier to accomplish. This is, after all, how we evolve. This is the story of evolution!

I remember that for a time during my childhood we lived in Pune, at the Indian Institute of Armament Technology campus. My father had found a spot on the Khadakwasla Lake, and grown fond of taking a small boat out every evening. Then, he ha a small jetty built. Every day after his office closed, my father would go there to oversee the construction. Many days after school, I would be on the waterfront, watching the digging and building as the marina took shape. It was soon named ‘The Naval Experimental Bay’ and today, an expanded version of the same stands proudly, with boats docking on it and several events being held there. It was, and is, a product of hard work and one man’s vision. Thus, at the young age of seven I learnt that if you think of something, you can certainly do it. Hard work and perseverance are the only things we need to accomplish it all!

Accomplishment is joy and happiness, and together they are the reason why we are on this planet. Therefore, hard work that can benefit others as well as ourselves is a very important part of our journey on earth. Think of it as fun and it will be fun, think of it as easy and it will be easy, just ascertain whether it’s useful or not and then proceed accordingly!

Here’s to hard work and joyfulness!

(Excerpts from 3 TIPS: The Essentials for Peace, Joy and Success by Meera Gandhi)

Published on: Sunday, April 30, 2023, 07:00 AM IST