From diet to exercise... Getting the science right for bodybuilding

While achieving a good physique is a dream for everybody, it needs careful planning and implementation. Here's a beginner's guide to getting into the fitness zone

Sahil Mehta Updated: Saturday, March 26, 2022, 06:54 PM IST
Photo: Freepik

Photo: Freepik

A good physique is a dream for everybody. We all have reasons to pick up the first dumbbell, but the objectives are universal. If you are a fresher in bodybuilding and wish to improve the way you look, bodybuilding tips and techniques can assist you in starting correctly. Bodybuilding is a way to intensify, tone, and maintain your entire body. Though building a body is hard, it is effortless to make missteps that can result in injuries that restrict you from doing intensive workouts for months. If you want to commit yourself to building muscle mass over time, be patient, start with basics, and take it forward from there. Today, we have a lot of correct information on eating right, training suitably, and healing optimally.

Here are 'common-science' for mindful bodybuilding:

Know the right form

While you may be enthusiastic to see how much you can do and stretch your body, but always start with lower weights and learn the correct form of each exercise. If you are going to the gym, trainers will help you know the right form, but if you feel the need to have continuous guidance and supervision, hiring a personal trainer for a few weeks to learn to do the form properly, would help. Once you start with the correct form, you will push your body to go further.

Find the right exercise

To be successful with bodybuilding, you should follow a routine closely. When you start, experiment with multiple exercises to find what fits your body. If you are training at the gym, ask the trainer to help you with a program on what exercise to do, the number of sets and reps per set, etc. This will ensure that you follow the same exercises every day that will help you gain more muscle mass. In addition, by understanding what you're doing on a specific day, you can sidestep injuries and overuse.

Do lifts and movements

All the exercises you see on fitness websites and magazines with heavyweights and intense postures are for bodybuilders who have trained their bodies for a while and are now competent to endure the training. Start with primary movements.

Target individual muscle group

You need to work on each muscle group at least once each week to see the effects. Track how much you lift on each exercise and increase your weight every two weeks. This will improve your strength and will direct to muscle gains. If you lift one weight for too long, your body gets comfortable and stops building more muscle, so it's important to keep challenging your body.

Training needs breaks

Your routine should have 3 to 4 workouts per week as a beginner. Every time you workout, the muscle fibers tear. So if you do it every day without a break, they won't get enough time to recover, causing permanent damage. Take breaks to keep your muscles healthy.

Be careful

When you reach the point of using heavy weights, operate with a safety belt for lower back protection. Safety belts help you to prevent back problems in the future. Unfortunately, this is overlooked by many until it's too late.

Eat proteins

Protein is important when it comes to bodybuilding. Chicken, fish, eggs, milk, beans, nuts, and some vegetables are rich in proteins. For best results, at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is required. However, if consuming enough protein each day becomes difficult, add protein supplements as well.

Eat vegetables and fruits

Apart from macronutrients, your body also needs micronutrients. These come primarily in the form of fruits and vegetables; hence, having a healthy intake before and after the workout would help the body.

Rest and recover, repeat

Allow your muscles and body some rest. Your muscles grow in rest periods, specifically when you are sleeping. So eight-nine hours of sleep every night is optimal.

Learn from your mistakes

When you start the routine, you slow and gradually realize what works and what does not. Learning from it is important. If you struggle with a workout routine, switch it. Keep changing and revising until you get a bodybuilding program that works best for you.

Start slowly and safely to build up to a wholesome routine that will allow you to enjoy bodybuilding for many years to come.

(The writer is the Managing Director and Founder of Musclexp)

Published on: Sunday, March 27, 2022, 07:00 AM IST