Here's how pessimists can uplift their confidence

Having a tendency toward pessimism can also impact your outlook on life

Prof G B Luthria Updated: Saturday, June 03, 2023, 09:09 PM IST

Pessimism is a personality trait in which someone has a more negative — or some might say, realistic — view of life. A pessimist usually expects unfavorable outcomes and is suspicious when things seem to be going well. Those with pessimistic outlooks tend to have less social support, lower resilience, a reduced ability to cope with stress, and a greater propensity for depression and anxiety disorders. Being under high level of stress means that our body’s energy is used up in acting instinctively and making decisions based on short-term outcomes. Our prefrontal cortex loses out in the battle for our energy when high-stress is involved.

Having a tendency toward pessimism can also impact your outlook on life. Negative beliefs can induce a pessimistic outlook that renders will power irrelevant. On the other hand, if you can raise your level of confidence, your will power can flourish.

We all wish we had more will power, self-discipline, and self-control. The left side of the brain region helps us stick to tasks – even boring ones – while the right side stops us from being distracted or giving in to temptation. In the middle, but lower down in our prefrontal cortex, the cells fire to keep us motivated and in line with our goals.

Will power isn’t something you have or something you lack. It rises and falls. It is impossible to maximise your will power for every moment. But, it is possible to make a few changes to your routine so that you can get the most of your decisions and make consistent progress on the things that are important to you.

I can also suggest you to practice Colour Therapy to increase your will power. Colour quietly plays a major role in how you experience the world. Colour can affect your mood, alter your sleep schedule, and even change the way your food tastes. Colour theory is the idea that the colour a person is surrounded with can have an effect on the person’s health – whether physical or mental. 

In colour theory, every colour has an effect on how a person thinks, acts, and responds to various stimuli in their world. Whether or not Colour Therapy is a valid model, it may be a helpful component of a treatment plan for individuals who feel connected to particular colours. With a research-focused treatment program, the preferences and motivating factors for the individuals involved are taken into consideration in creating a customized plan for the person. Finding the right treatment for the individual is the first step on the path that is most likely to lead to recovery from the individual’s mental health disorders, leading to a more productive and hopeful future.

Now, as far as a solution for pessimism and will power is concerned, it is as simple as drawing a line with red colour along the periphery of your nail of right hand middle finger.

Published on: Sunday, June 04, 2023, 07:00 AM IST