Door-Less Unhygienic Toilets, Paan Designed Sinks: Mankhurd Station Struggles For Basic Amenities Amid Bustling Traffic, Revenue

During the sixth series of the ongoing ‘Station Audit’ campaign by the Free Press Journal, concerns at Mankhurd station were highlighted.

Kamal Mishra Updated: Thursday, April 25, 2024, 01:06 AM IST

Mankhurd railway station, known for its bustling traffic with over 1.35 lakh daily footfalls and generating Rs1.42 crore monthly revenue, faces critical issues compromising passenger safety and comfort.

During the sixth series of the ongoing ‘Station Audit’ campaign by the Free Press Journal, concerns at Mankhurd station were highlighted. The station’s boundary wall is dilapidated, offering little security and leaving it vulnerable to encroachment.

Seat-less Seats for Commuters | Salman Ansari

Unhygienic SInks | Salman Ansari

Issues At Railway Station Brought Up By Commuters

A toilet block is in a state of neglect, lacking maintenance and functioning poorly, while basic amenities like drinking water are insufficient, especially during scorching summers.

Platform surfaces are also deteriorating, posing safety risks to commuters. Despite ongoing improvement work, the transformation, as per sources, is expected to take another three years.

Debris and Construction In The Middle Of the Platform | Salman Ansari

Station Conditions Criticised For Substandard Facilities And Lack Of Amenities

Passengers express frustration over the station’s condition. Jyoti Shinde, 45, a regular commuter, laments the unchanged plight despite substantial revenue. “Despite the staggering revenue, the plight of the station remains unchanged, with passengers left to grapple with substandard facilities and crumbling infrastructure,” Shinde said.

Another daily commuter Suresh Kabre said, “The condition of the toilet block is pathetic, it’s being used as a storeroom, with several gunny bags of cement lying in front of the urinal areas. Sandesh Diwan highlights the challenges faced by senior citizens. “The lack of adequate benches and drinking water facility is particularly burdensome for senior citizens.”

Published on: Thursday, April 25, 2024, 01:06 AM IST