Ganesha Mudra: Boosts confidence and positivity

Practicing Ganesha mudra can help regain courage when dealing with hard times

Prof G B Luthria Updated: Sunday, May 08, 2022, 01:42 PM IST

Those who practice yoga on a daily basis, must know of its numerous health benefits. From the head to toe, different asanas cater to flexing different sections of the body while strengthening the mind. Able practitioners of yoga use it to address a number of illnesses and also manage, prevent, treat and cure them. For many of us, assuming yogic postures may be difficult or not possible due to certain limitations. Here's when mudras, or hand gestures, come in handy.

This week I shall focus on Ganesha mudra, which is practiced to channelise the flow of energy (prana). Practicing Ganesha mudra boosts confidence and can help one regain positivity and courage when dealing with hard times. By performing this mudra, one can bring attention and energy into the centre. Ganesha mudra stimulates the anahata (heart) chakra and can, therefore, be considered a heart-opening practice. With regular practice, this mudra may evoke strong feelings of warmth and brightness in the heart area, which can be helpful for those suffering from heartache, depression or feelings of heaviness and sadness. The mudra also strengthens the muscles in arms, chest and shoulders. It releases stress and tension in these areas. It opens bronchial tubes and lungs as a result.

Since Ganesha mudra is associated with the element of fire, it is also particularly useful for stimulating the metabolism and digestive fire known as agni, making it beneficial in countering any digestive problems. There are many mudras that need to be done only under circumstances for a specific condition. However, Ganesha mudra can be done at any point overall well-being.

How does one do it?

It must be performed using both hands and should be done early in the morning and once in the evening. Those suffering from Alzheimer’s are advised to do it on an empty stomach. One can start performing this mudra for a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes. It can be done for up to 30 minutes but one must have the strength to be able to hold the position for that duration.

The practice:

Sit in a comfortable posture with legs crossed on a mat or a chair with a straight back and no arm rests.

Hold the left hand in front of the chest with the palm facing out and bend the fingers like creating a hook.

Now hold the left hand with the right hand with the palm facing inwards.

Keep both hands clasped with the fingers locked.

Once in this position, slide the hands back until the fingers lock together and grasp each other. The thumbs simply rest on top of the little finger of the opposite hand. The hands stay at the level of the heart as they are energetically pulled apart without releasing the grip. The positioning of the arms across the chest with the elbows wide is symbolic of the notion that our biggest obstacle is often ourselves.

Inhale and on exhale, pull the hands apart without letting go of the grip.

Repeat six times.

Now reverse the hand positions and repeat six times.

(The Lions Club of Mumbai ACTION with cooperation of the management of the Free Press Journal holds a Zoom Meeting on every Monday from 7 pm to 7.45 pm to clarify any doubt in the minds of the readers on Alternate Therapies like Acupressure, Sujok and Mudras. Zoom meeting ID: 479 333 1908; Passcode: healing.)

Published on: Sunday, May 08, 2022, 01:42 PM IST