Doc Destiny: Deciphering the zodiac sign... Leo

Leo is impossible to overlook. This is a dramatic personality who likes to make an impact

Dr Bindu Khurrana Updated: Sunday, July 24, 2022, 03:07 PM IST

DATE: July 21 to August 20

Ruler: Sun

Appearance: Leo is impossible to overlook. This is a dramatic personality who likes to make an impact. The stance is commanding and authoritative, or playful and kittenish depending on mood.

Personality: The lion is a great poseur. Possessing magnanimity of spirit and infectious love of life, Leo demands adulation. This sign is a natural ruler, put on earth to rule over everyone else, whether they like it or not. Fortunately, Leo has such a charming nature that most people forgive this intrusion into their lives. Megalomaniac or benevolent despot, there is something exuberant and childlike about Leo, even when they are bossy and domineering.

Leo believes him/herself to be special and will go to great lengths to obtain special treatment. There is enormous pride at play in this personality type. Others will often copy a Leo without thinking. This isn’t someone people want to offend.

Likes: Applause, shopping, good food, wine, arts and culture, anything with passion and verve.

Dislikes: Put-downs, being laughed at, inquisitive attempts at control.

As a parent: Leo is a warm, playful, and creative parent. This parental type prides him/herself on providing well for children, who are encouraged to explore the world creatively. Children are expected to do exceptionally well.

As a child: This is the golden child who stands out from the crowd. Leo as a child always has a court of devoted admirers, which can lead to problems with spoiling. This child needs a school environment in which s/he can shine and thrive. Discipline is also important to keep Leo’s developing ego in check. A Leo child soon turns into a drama-queen if thwarted.

Career: Leo is a natural actor, dancer, television producer or presenter, fashion model, rock star, sportsperson or fashion designer. This sign also makes an excellent window dresser, heating engineer, goldsmith or gold dealer. Leo is happy exercising authority as a judge, youth worker, teacher, politician, president, managing director, lawyer, fundraiser or bond dealer. With the sign’s strong connection with play and leisure, careers as a play-therapist or leisure centre manager are also appropriate. And given the link to the heart, many Leos become cardiologists or cardiac surgeons.

Leisure activities: Leo combines indolence with energy, and dislikes sports that work up a sweat, but enjoys being seen at a fashionable gym. Aerobics keep Leo looking good, as does dance. Gentle team sports are acceptable, provided Leo is the captain. Eating out is always a pleasure. The lion’s creative side shows itself in artistic hobbies and working for a good cause warms Leo’s heart. A sign that is surprisingly interested in strategy, Leo often prefers board games to computers.

Suitable gift ideas: Leo adores anything flashy and ostentatious, and expensive. A box at the opera is a good idea or a suite in a hotel. Cashmere and gold also score high, as would a picture of Leo in an ornate frame.

Published on: Sunday, July 24, 2022, 03:07 PM IST