Watch: Swami Prasad Maurya shown black flags in Varanasi, resentment in SP over remark against Ramcharitmanas

Upper caste legislators in the SP have started raising objections to Swami Prasad Maurya's statement and have even threatened to quit the party if action is not taken against him.

FPJ Bureau Updated: Sunday, February 12, 2023, 08:45 PM IST
Samajwadi Party leader Swami Prasad Maurya | File Photo

Samajwadi Party leader Swami Prasad Maurya | File Photo

The controversy sparked off by senior Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Swami Prasad Maurya on the allegedly objectionable verses from Ramcharitmanas has now started boomeranging on the party itself.

Upper caste legislators in the SP have started raising objections to Maurya's statement and have even threatened to quit the party if action is not taken against him.

On Sunday, Maurya faced stiff opposition from Hindu organisations in Varanasi over his remarks against Ramcharitmanas. Maurya was shown black flags and ink was thrown on his vehicle by a crowd chanting Jai Sri Ram, while he was going from Varanasi to Mirzapur.

'Not opposed to Ramcharitmanas'

However, he said that he is still sticking to his remarks and apprised the prime minister as well as the president about it. “I am not opposed to Ramcharitmanas and did not burn its copies. Instead, I oppose few verses of the holy book that is against dalits, women, and backwards,” said the SP leader. Sanatan is an ancient system and not a religion, Maurya said. Sanatan does not belong to any particular community but to everyone, he said.

Amethi MLA slams Maurya

Maurya's remarks have not gone down well with upper caste MLAs in the party. Rakesh Pratap Singh, MLA from Amethi, said: "Whether I remain in politics or not, whether I remain a legislator or not and whether I get a ticket or not, I will not remain quiet when my religion is questioned." He said that anyone who makes objectionable comments on Sanatan dharma, cannot be a Samajwadi.

SP not happy with Maurya's remark

SP spokesman Roli Mishra Tiwari has also voiced her opposition to Maurya's statement. "I am a Brahmin and a follower of Sanatan dharma and will not accept what Maurya has said. I was quiet because I thought he was speaking in his personal capacity but now it seems that this is the party's official stand," she said.

Published on: Sunday, February 12, 2023, 08:44 PM IST