Here's how Sujok Therapy and yogic remedies can offer relief from acute sinusitis

Sinuses are a system of connected cavities (or empty spaces) around the nasal area of the face

Rajshree Vora Updated: Sunday, January 01, 2023, 04:40 PM IST

Sinuses are a system of connected cavities (or empty spaces) around the nasal area of the face. Sinuses serve several functions including producing mucus to keep the nose free of infections and humidifying the air as it enters your nose, but sometimes the sinuses themselves get infected resulting in inflammation or swelling. This condition is known as sinusitis.

Sinusitis can be bacterial or viral in nature and can cause other symptoms such as a runny nose, throbbing facial pain, and a headache. Sinusitis can also be caused due to blockages in the sinus or a nasal passage abnormality, or exposure to smoke or an allergen.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Throbbing pain, tenderness, or the sensation of weight or pressure around your eyes, nose, cheeks, and forehead

Blocked, stuffy, or runny nose. This may or may not be accompanied by difficulty in breathing

Thick yellow or greenish mucus discharge

Lack of smell or bad smell in the nose

Lack of taste


Fever (in some cases)

Treatments and home remedies

Sinusitis usually resolves on its own in one or two weeks. But the following remedies can provide a level of symptomatic relief.

Yogic remedies

Jala Neti helps clear the nasal passage. This should be performed with distilled saline (salt) water under guidance

Kapalabhati kriya

Nadi shuddhi pranayama or Anuloma Viloma

Om Chanting and Bhramari

Sujok Therapy: Massage the highlighted areas (as shown in the pic) using an Acupressure Probe. You can also apply ajwain seed or clove. Moxa gives additional help.

(Rajshree Vora is an obesity consultant, dietitian and nutritionist, Sujok therapist, counsellor, and yoga therapist. You can write to her at

Published on: Sunday, January 01, 2023, 04:40 PM IST