Mickey Mehta writes about how to boost your child’s intelligence

Whatever they are nourished with, let’s say visuals, fragrances, sounds, touch, feel and of course, food, they absorb it all

Mickey Mehta Updated: Sunday, April 23, 2023, 12:01 PM IST

Children are like soft clays. They can be moulded in any form the way we want them to grow, nourish, and flourish, especially in the first seven years of their lives. Everything they are seeded with and taught, they absorb like a sponge. They have mirror neurons. They pick up everything and the sub-conscious learns it all.

Whatever they are nourished with, let’s say visuals, fragrances, sounds, touch, feel and of course, food, they absorb it all. Basically, communication happens with the outer world with the help of five sensory organs. Often, people focus in developing intellect, but to make the children true leaders and champions of tomorrow one needs to focus on developing their intelligence and over all growth.

The following things help in developing child’s intelligence:

One can foster a child’s cognitive development by providing the child with choices and prompt them to make thoughtful decisions. For intelligence, one should also allow the child to explore different ways of solving problems.

While one may want to provide some gentle guidance and encouragement, allow the child some time to figure out things, like a new puzzle. This may require some patience, but it will ultimately help them to learn and grow.

Allow your kids to explore and watch. Children have a natural interest about the world around them, and it is important to let them explore and pick up knowledge through observation. Parents who are overly protective may actually impede their children’s natural development and learning. Aid in building on your child’s interests in particular academic activities. Reply to a child’s inquiries. As the youngster gets older and begins to ask questions, respond to them gently and accurately. Children are innately curious. Because it will aid in their learning, parents should encourage their children’s curiosity. By doing this, we can assist the child in growing both his intellect and developing intelligence.

Food plays a crucial role in a child’s growth because it forms the basis for human biology, chemistry, faculties, and all other characteristics that will maintain good health throughout life and throughout ages. Keep an eye on everything you give kids to eat since the conditioning they receive from it will shape who  

As much as 100% natural, as much is good for the development of a child. A child grows with such foods and such inputs of sight, taste, olfactory, visual, audio, touch, tactile, that child can grow into a child of sattva gunas, dharmic bhavas, sakaratmak, kirti or karya. 

Longevity of a human life depends on many things which include mingling with the elements, nourishing with sunlight, fresh air, oxygen, ether, earth’s gravity and water.  Yes, workouts, yoga, meditation, chanting mantras, observing silence also nourishes the body as much as food does.

The intellect in its short life span fuels struggle more and intelligence encourages vital forces of spontaneity, exuberance, and bliss.

Our children require more attention as our crops require it. We must watch how they develop throughout the hours of morning, noon, and night. From what they eat to what they absorb in terms of content, company, and the influence of their surroundings — friends, school, teachers, etc. — we must always be providing our contribution to ensure that their process of blossoming is changing. We must lavish our kids with a tonne of love and understanding. Tell them legends-based tales to instil in them the desire to become tomorrow’s leaders and achievers. 

Our primary fundamental mission is to raise productive kids while also fostering their development through outdoor play, entertainment, and sports. At the end of the day, the bhavas, sanskaras, and gunas that you sow into them are what will make them a beautiful flower or fruit. Lead by example so that they follow what they do in terms of eating, sleeping habits, recreational habits, respect to the elders, seniors, and teachers.

(Mickey Mehta is a global leading holistic health guru and life coach; website: www.drmickeymehta.com. You can follow him on:

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Published on: Sunday, April 23, 2023, 07:00 AM IST