Doc Destiny: Fundamentals of signature analysis

Dr Biindu Khuraana Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2022, 01:23 PM IST

This is the first consideration for signature analysis to see whether the signature is legible or illegible.

Consistency of words: It means the writer’s control over his own behaviour.

Well organised signature: It indicates simplicity, clarity of mind, honesty, concentration, carefulness, the person is a good planner and his/ her decent in behaviour.

Poorly-organised signature: It denotes carelessness, lack of concentration, lack of details, overreacting, poor planning, dishonesty and guilt.

Tangled signature: It shows confusion, depression, instability.

Illegible signature: An illegible Signature shows non-conformity, haste, impatience, indifference to the opinions of others. Such a person is over worked, over burdened always in a hurry, under pressure and someone who is short of time. He/she is genuinely important and does not care whether you recognize him/her or not. A signature is illegible when the people have a great difficulty in reading the name. An illegible signature tells that the writer has a desire to be seen but he/she does not prefer to be noticed or known. The writer loves to keep things in private and desires to keep his/her true identity unknown. A person who has to sign plenty of times in a day often signs in a rush, and does not care about the signature legibility. Therefore it is important to combine other traits of the handwriting to do the right analysis.

A script style that maintains its own chosen shape or form simply shows someone who knows his own mind.

If there is no consistency it means a confused mind or stressed mind.

Two layers sign signifies financial losses & career instability.

Slant (or angle): If the variation affects only one kind of formation in the signature, then the writer is experiencing problems in only that one area of his life.

When persistent variations show up in many or all parts of script you are looking at evidence of changeability, inconsistency, instability, in short a writer who is unpredictable, often even to himself.

A clear, well organised script, showing original formations (i.e. original thought) and definitely independent opinions.

A well organised script avoids extremes. An extreme in script can be on either side of center. For example: An extreme tilt is one that leans all the way to the right or all the way to the left.

The writer who avoids extremes is showing not so much moderation as balance; the ability to take things as they come, and deal with them on their own level of importance. Any extreme in script, even when it is consistent, shows a writer who is over reacting to situations or events. An extreme in handwriting means the same thing as an extreme in behaviour, dress or speech; it identifies a person who has a tendency to go overbroad in his actions or reactions, certainly in that area and possibly in others.

Simplicity means the elimination of unnecessary or distractions pen stroke formations. Most people think faster than they can write: if the writer has time to add these unnecessary decorations to his script, then something matters more to him than what he’s doing.

Clearly legible script shows clarity of thought and a desire to be understood.

Tangled, scribbled over or jerky writing shows tangled, confused or erratic thought.

Missing t-bars and Ï-dots and missing or improper punctuation are signs of carelessness and a lack of attention to details.

An illegible scrawl, no matter how well organized, indicates that the writer doesn’t give a damn whether or not you understand him;

A form that is too correct on the other hand, may show immaturity or conformity (in case, an inability or unwillingness to think for you).

A flourished signature that is nonetheless smooth-flowing and readable shows originality and flair;

If it’s crude, it can show anything from insecurity to dishonesty.

Published on: Sunday, March 20, 2022, 01:23 PM IST