Doc Destiny: Analysing signatures

Dr Biindu Khuraana Updated: Sunday, March 13, 2022, 12:14 PM IST

Signature is destiny on paper. No two signature styles are alike. It is a mode of communication and relating to ourselves and others. Every signature depicts a hidden message to the universe. The clearer and cleaner we sign the simpler the message to the universe. Our signature signifies our personality, our preferences, and our social life, our choice of career, our aptitude and attitude to life. It also depicts our financial condition and our ability to react on the stress and work pressures. We can make changes in the way we sign to turn our destiny around as I believe that destiny is truly in our hands. Truth be told, our signature is a mirror of our soul.

Signature analysis is done on the basis of seven components:

· Size of the signature

· Slant of the signature

· Use & size of the first name & the last name

· Under lining in the signature

· Size of the first letter of the signature

· Loops or backwards strokes in the signature

· Use of dots in the signature

Some uses of signature analysis:

· Signature analysis can help you understand yourself

· Signature analysis can help you understand other people

· Signature analysis can help you choose a career

· Signature analysis is also useful to an employer for recruitment

· Signature analysis can be made into a career

· Signature analysis can help you guard your health

There is nothing like a perfect signature. Signature analysis is a motor reflex (eye-hand) skill and the best way to learn any skill is to practice. Some rules can be incorporated to enhance progress and prosperity.

Synthesis of the signature

Full name in the signature indicates NAME, FAME, and IDENTITY. Full name also signifies that the person gives full importance to his/her likes and dislikes choices and preferences and is very opinionated.

The 1st alphabet signifies I, Me and Myself. The first alphabet of our signature talks about I, me, myself, the me within. It is what you think of yourself, your behaviour, your reactions and confidence. The first alphabet denotes self-expression about your nature and personalities which are hidden from the people at large.

If only 1st initial is signed it indicates that the person is neat and presentable. He/ She gives opinion but is open to suggestions and other's view points. This person is considerate about others likes/dislikes and choices. Such person has a name but no fame or individual identity.

The size of the first initial determines the person’s personality if it is larger than the other words it means show of opulence. This person talks with expressive words and actions of the hands. If it's of a medium size, it means that the person is individualistic but does not share his opinion and view points unless asked to. If the size is small then it indicates the person is low on confidence and is an introvert and keeps his/ her view points with self. If first alphabet is directed towards left it indicates attachment to the past and not letting go the past situations and incidents. If first alphabet is directed towards right it denotes worry and concern for the future.

Second alphabet in the signature denotes spouse in case of married or father in case if the person is unmarried. If second alphabet is larger than the first it denotes domination/ respect. If second alphabet is smaller it means that the spouse is secondary than self. The third alphabet denotes mother or mother in law. The fourth and fifth alphabet represents children. The entire surname denotes family, life and career.

The last alphabet expresses the financial condition, alphabet ending upwards signifies financial blessing and last alphabet ending downward means financial losses. If the last alphabet cuts the underscore, it indicates a person in debts.

The last initial going downwards indicates no progress and giving up opportunities in life. Signing at two levels indicates career going down and financial losses. It also signifies that the person is more important than his/her family or work.

Progress of the individual can be identified with the angle or direction. It is advisable to sign in the direction going upwards which denotes progress. An ideal signature should be signed at an angle of 45 degrees.

A circular movement in the signature especially in the first initial means that person had entangled himself /herself with their own thoughts and emotions and is unable to express one self emotionally. It also denotes secrecy, and confusion in mind. It is as if the person has caged himself and is hiding something. It also indicates entanglement with family and overbearing husband/father.

Published on: Sunday, March 13, 2022, 12:14 PM IST