Shankh Mudra: The doorway to good health

For the uninitiated, yogic mudras use the biological map — called the homunculus map — in our brains to manage and manipulate powerful healing reactions in the body

Prof G B Luthria Updated: Sunday, May 22, 2022, 12:29 PM IST

The summer has been quite severe and one cannot wait for the monsoon to arrive. However, till that happens, we have no choice but to deal with the scorching heat. While there are several ways to cope with summer-related health problems, one of the easiest is a mudra. Certain mudras can help us fight not only excessive body heat but other ailments too.

For the uninitiated, yogic mudras use the biological map — called the homunculus map — in our brains to manage and manipulate powerful healing reactions in the body. The five elements of nature — earth, wind, fire, water and sky — are represented in one’s hand. The concept behind mudras is to simulate the nature of a biological event in the body and the reaction it creates. The goal is to balance the bodily force that is out of sync.

Shankh (conch) is an auspicious symbol and object in our Indian culture and mythology. A religious activity or opening of a door is marked by the blowing of shankh. Similarly, the Shankh mudra is the doorway to good health.

In this mudra, the thumb — representing the fire element in our body — is encircled by the fingers of the opposite hand. Simultaneously, the thumb of the other hand touches the tip of the middle finger of the opposite hand. This contact brings the ether (sky) element into the balance that creates more space within the body to assist in the cooling down of the body.

The inner spiral of our hands in this mudra is equated with the coil of the human digestive system. Thus, it is considered a useful practice to calm down the excessive digestive fire that can cause constipation and stomach ulcers.

For people with thyroid problems, this mudra is most beneficial as it comprises chanting of OM. This vibration stimulates the thyroid gland that secretes thyroxine and triiodothyronine hormones. In this way, the regular practice of Shankh mudra alleviates hypothyroidism and associated problems.

How to perform the mudra

Sit in a comfortable posture with your eyes closed.

Encircle your left thumb with the fingers of your right hand.

Place your left-hand fingers on the back of your right palm.

Gradually touch your right-hand thumb with the extended middle finger of your left hand.

Join both the hands together so that they form the shape of a conch or shankh.

Ensure that your hands are closer to your chest level. You can close your eyes for as long as you want.

Slowly chant 'OM' (not aloud) and focus on each chant.

Practice this for 15 to 20 minutes, preferably after exercises and meals.

Secondary benefits

Confidence to overcome the fear of speaking in public.

Improves voice and speech.

Helps overcome throat infections like tonsillitis and other allergies.

Provides a cooling, soothing effect on the mind.

Practising this mudra removes the negativity and fills the self and surrounding with harmony.

Caution: Vata and Kapha dosha persons should do this mudra moderately as overdoing it can make a person anxious, cause excessive sleep and feel migraine pain.

(The Lions Club of Mumbai ACTION with cooperation of the Management of the Free Press Journal holds a Zoom Meeting on every Monday from 7 pm to 7:45 om to clarify any doubt in the minds of the readers on Alternate Therapies like Acupressure, Sujok and Mudras. All are welcome. Zoom Meeting ID 479 333 1908 Passcode healing.)

Published on: Sunday, May 22, 2022, 12:29 PM IST