Four reasons why your cat eats grass

This is not exclusive to house cats; wild cats and even their relative, the lion, have been observed grazing on grass

FPJ Features Desk Updated: Saturday, February 18, 2023, 10:22 PM IST

Every cat parent has occasionally noticed their cat consuming grass and questioned ‘why does my cat eat grass?’ As it turns out, most cats will eat grass from time to time for various reasons.

This is not exclusive to house cats; wild cats and even their relative, the lion, have been observed grazing on grass. Even though grass is unpleasant to us humans, there are a few good reasons for your cat should eat grass.

Health Benefits: Folic acid is abundant in grass juice. This vitamin promotes your cat’s growth and raises the amount of oxygen in your cat’s blood. If your cat is frequently chomping on grass, they may be trying to fulfil a dietary need or seeking a vitamin boost.

Bowel movements: Fur, tiny feathers, bones, and other objects are prone to become stuck in a cat’s digestive tract. Their bowel movement could be hampered by these obstructions. Narrow grasses help a cat calm their upset stomach while broad grasses have a laxative impact that might help your cat control their bowel motions.

Enjoying it: Cats occasionally eat grass just because they like it and might enjoy getting a few additional greens in their diet. If so, you can check to see if they enjoy their everyday meals including vegetables like parsley or lettuce. Giving your cat food with more fibre is still another option.

Relieve upset stomach: Cats lack the enzymes needed to properly digest grass. Therefore, your cat purposefully consumes grass so that it can eventually vomit. Cats clear away any fur, feathers, parasites, bones, or other objects that irritate their digestive systems while throwing up. Your cat will control how much grass they eat to make them puke on its own. It is recommended to keep your cat away from any pesticide- or chemical-treated grass that is close to your home.

Published on: Sunday, February 19, 2023, 07:00 AM IST