Karma Konnect: Deciphering the meaning of recurring dreams and energy of a vastu

Kushagra Patwa Updated: Friday, May 27, 2022, 04:23 PM IST

I keep having recurring dreams of our old home of late. We moved to the new place almost 17 years ago. I had dreams about it in the past, but they weren’t that powerful. However, the recent ones have been bizarre and different. One of the dreams felt so real that I couldn’t get it off my mind at all. Can we share karmic energies even with Vastu? Why am I getting these dreams out of the blue?

Dreams can have multiple representations of our subconscious. Using Yoga Nidra, it is said that we can visit multiple dimensions in space and time. Using dreams we can also upskill our conscious brain. Our karmic energies interact with the spatial energy of the place we stay, work and visit. To understand and interpret your dreams in detail, we will need to use Yoga Nidra in combination with Karma Counselling.

I read an article recently on soulmates. Do soulmates exist? How does one know that one has found his/her soulmate?

A soulmate is someone who interacts with your soul or core energy. So, in a way, every interaction or connection across births will fall under the category of interacting with our core energy. With every connection, we form Relationship Karma. Some interactions last longer and hence the Relationship Karma is stronger and it keeps getting compounded across births.

Now, in the chase of finding 'the one' in this birth, we don't enjoy the 'now'. If we are truly living in the moment, then every interaction with every connection will be as fulfilling as a supposed soulmate. To reach that state, first, we have to truly connect with our soul and core energy. As we reflect ourselves on others, once we are truly connected with our core energy, anyone and everyone can be our soulmate.

For the last few months, my relationship with my husband has become strained. We either end up arguing over small things or end up not talking at all. I have been consciously trying not to get agitated every time we talk, but it isn’t working. I don’t want my relationship to turn like my relationship with my parents. I don’t feel like going home. Please help.

The strain in any relationship comes from judging or feeling judged. The judging creates the Ego Karma, which creates clashes. In your case, the judging is stemming from anger and guilt that the souls have accumulated across multiple births. This is what we call the Relationship Karma. Due to this Relationship Karma, you are either judging your husband or feeling judged by him. As a result, no matter how much you are trying, you are getting agitated. You need to see a body memory therapist to find where this Relationship Karma with your husband as well as your parents are stored in your body. Coupled with Karma Counselling sessions, you can create new neural pathways to control your reactions and responses. Once you can master your reactions and responses, you will be able to diffuse any stress in any relationship.

Published on: Sunday, May 29, 2022, 07:00 AM IST