Guiding Light: Navagrahas - The nine responsibility hubs

Dr. S. Ainavolu Updated: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 01:34 AM IST
Photo: Pixabay

Photo: Pixabay

The shloka “Adityaya Somaya Mangalaya Budhayacha Guru Shukra Shanibhyascha Rahave Ketave Namaha'' offers respect to the nine energy hubs or centres called Navagrahas. Our weekdays are named after the first seven grahas; Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn and each controls a portion of the day called Hora. The last two, Rahu and Ketu are referred to as the head and remaining body of the dragon. The entire Vedic astrology called Jyotishya is based on the concept of Karma theory and its operationalisation through Navagrahas.

Navagrahas are “in -charge” of disposing of the part of previously accumulated Karma (Sanchita) that has to be lived now (Prarabdha). In this sense, the Navagrahas act like “responsibility centres” to teach us required lessons. The wise compare Navagrahas to the bank officer who accepts or pays money to customers based on the account balance and the type of transaction. The dispenser of what is due! So, do Navagrahas. Here the account balance is one’s Prarabdha and transactions are one’s good/bad deeds.

Sun/Aditya/Surya gives the tejas and represents the life force in a person called the soul. Moon/Soma/Chandra refers to the softer aspect called the manas, the feeling part. Mars/Mangal/Kuja drives the actions and is the energy planet. Mercury/Budha/Sowmya controls calculating and thinking. Jupiter/Guru/Brihaspati is the planet of gravitas and represents the wisdom that is beyond all information and knowledge. Venus/Shukra is in charge of art and culture. Saturn/Shani/Manda is the heavy karmic planet, making one work and learning the lessons. Rahu gives desires and often confusion. Ketu gives detachment and makes one turn towards spirituality.

Based on the position of nine grahas at the time of birth of a person, Lagna chakra/chart is cast. Wise say that the charts are only indicative and through one’s free will, one can change the direction and/or moderate the pace of happenings. It greatly helps us to accept that we are passing through the current context as a result of our own earlier actions; through present Karma/actions can recalibrate and re-cast the future happenings. This powerful insight holds the potential of empowering the seeker and shifting one from a “victim mindset” to a “warrior mindset.” Rest shall be history.

(Dr. S. Ainavolu is a Professor at VPSM, Navi Mumbai. Insights and views are personal. Read the full version of the article at:

Published on: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 07:00 AM IST