Make your 2022 wholesome and healthier with plant-based diet

Plant-based diet has been slowly garnering attention from fitness enthusiasts. Here’s an easy way to go green and make the New Year a bit better with some healthy choices

Rishubh Satiya Updated: Sunday, January 02, 2022, 12:51 PM IST

With the rapid adoption of technology and economic prosperity in the last couple of decades, there has been a global prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle. From lack of physical activity to consuming an unclean diet, the changes have been widespread. However, the ongoing pandemic and the clearly visible impact of climate change, the way people live and the foods they consume have also gained a lot of attention.

Millennials and GenZ consumers are now focusing on making dietary changes that are sustainable, nutritious and plant-based. Unlike vegan food, which is a concept based on the elimination of all items produced by animals, a plant-based diet is simply about adding more plant extracts to the food. Vegan foods might contain artificial flavours, preservatives or processed foods, but plant-based diets are made using natural ingredients only.

Although such clean foods were considered to be unpalatable, extremely expensive and difficult to procure in the past, the growth of D2C retail and awareness has now made it easy for people to get them at home in easily consumable forms. Before we go ahead and look at the type of plant-based nutrition products available in the market, let us understand their benefits and importance.

Why plant-based foods

The reason people are switching to plant-based foods is not just due to their nutritional value, but also because they are a clean food category resolving multiple global problems. The carbon footprint and water consumption in dairy industries, as well as various other industrial foods, is substantial, but plant foods reduce that damage. Further, farmers get to earn more, there is a lot of trade growth, and of course access to healthy and sustainable foods.

Plant-based foods are capable of reducing the risk of diseases such as heart problems, diabetes, obesity and even some types of cancers. Considering the fact that nearly 65% of India’s greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock cultivation, there is little doubt that the switch to plant nutrition can help overcome environmental concerns for the country.

Tips to include plant-based foods in your diet

For people who have been habitual of meat-based diets, the switch to plant foods can take a little more effort than vegetarians or vegans. However, there are small and easy to implement steps, which will gradually help in making the transition.

Start with Meatless Mondays Consuming plant-based foods for one day a week won’t be hard for those who want to improve their wellness quotient. Once that habit is internalised, gradually one can add more days until the switch is complete.

Add more greens

Even on days when you are having meats, start adding portions of plant-based foods to your routine. You can also replace your snacks with green snacking options.

Mix it up

One of the best reasons why you should adopt plant-based nutrition products in 2022 is that they are no longer about unpalatable bland dishes or pills. Modern-day innovative plant-based nutrition labels have brought products that are 100% clean, effective, and delicious. The good old pills are being replaced with yummy gummies, superfood powder and effervescent etc. You can easily get world-class quality products for various lifestyle changes and wellness needs such as weight loss, hair and skin nutrition, daily wellness, women’s health needs and also as workout supplements.

Plant-based nutrition is a wellness practice that had been hiding in plain sight in the past. As per estimates, the global market is growing at a CAGR of over 11% and is expected to cross the $74 billion mark by 20261. It is time for you to take a pledge to wellness in 2022, and integrate green into your diet!

(The writer is Co-Founder of Plix)

Published on: Sunday, January 02, 2022, 08:56 AM IST