IAS officer Omkar Pawar shares tips for UPSC aspirants to overcome distractions, stay focused

With days to go for the exam - the preliminary tests are slated for March 28, while the mains are scheduled for September 15 - the aspirants are brimming with anxiety and nervousness.

Megha Chowdhury Updated: Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 09:53 AM IST
Omkar Pawar, who secured AIR 194 in UPSC 2022 | Official

Omkar Pawar, who secured AIR 194 in UPSC 2022 | Official

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Exam (CSE) is one of the most competitive and sought-after government tests, drawing more than 10 lakh people annually. With days to go for the exam - the preliminary tests are slated for March 28, while the mains are scheduled for September 15 - the aspirants are brimming with anxiety and nervousness.

While it is natural to get distracted while studying for the test, IAS officer Omkar Pawar, who secured AIR 194 in UPSC 2022, suggests that some of these distractions can derail you from your path and affect your preparation. To understand how to avoid them, we must first identify the major distractions for UPSC aspirants.

Avoid Social Media

For UPSC candidates, social media is a huge barrier, says Omkar. “Generally aspirants end up spending a lot of time on WhatsApp, Instagram and YouTube. While many find YouTube videos useful for UPSC preparation, one should understand that it is simple to lose track of time and find yourself at the end of the day having accomplished little while watching a hundred pointless videos,” he added. 

Omkar suggests aspirants either completely cut off social media, like he did, or, if it has become extremely habitual, one can create a timer for internet usage. "When studying, keep the phone away from you with the internet turned off.  There are few apps that shut down the internet for several hours each day," he added.

Limit Your Study Resources

With a large quantity of material available, both offline and online, sifting through various resources is also a distraction. "Every topper mentions having minimal resources to young aspirants, but despite that, many end up getting confused and distracted with various resources," Omkar says. Some may recommend materials from Raus pdf or Visions pdf, but know what is best for you and stick to it no matter what till the end. Referencing too many books for one subject or topic can only create confusion and mayhem.

Avoid Burnout

Omkar says that it’s a common practice for CSE aspirants to sit up late at night and study day after day, which makes the adage 'burning the midnight oil’ sound literally right.

“No doubt, utilizing the maximum possible number of hours in a day is essential to cover more and more of a vast syllabus but what aspirants must understand is that they should not compromise on their health while doing so,” he added.

Omkar claims that a healthy body, that is well-rested and a mind that is free from stress are therefore two of the foremost requirements for any CSE aspirant.

Published on: Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 09:53 AM IST