3 tips by Meera Gandhi for maintaining emotional well-being 

Steady your emotions: We should try to not let our emotional extremes rock our universe

Meera Gandhi Updated: Friday, March 17, 2023, 09:00 PM IST

1. Savour the good things in life: Let them take up positive space in our emotional well-being.

2. Think positive: Actively think good thoughts.

3. Steady your emotions: We should try to not let our emotional extremes rock our universe!

Emotional stability and stable thought processes are very important if we want to build a strong emotional foundation. Our emotional well-being impacts our relationships, personal as well as interpersonal, including our relationships at work. When we are in an emotional equilibrium, our work life thrives with ideas, creativity and positive momentum. When our emotional well-being suffers, we feel stuck, which can sometimes even make simple decisions hard.

In 2015, I was in a brief relationship. It initially brought me a lot of joy, but it was soon clear that it was not serving my higher path or interests. It was emotional, and it took away a lot of energy that I could have been happily directing at other fun projects I was working on for the Giving Back Foundation. I tried to distance myself from this relationship and even tried to tell the person that it was really not the right emotional space for either of us. But somehow, it dragged on for six months until one day, I sat down with him and explained to him that we were not being our best selves; we were both struggling, emotionally, and we were not able to bring out the best in us. He agreed with me, and today we are still good friends and even meet on occasions. 

As soon as this relationship ended, I felt lighter, as if I inhabited a much happier emotional space. I was at peace with myself and the universe in general. I started smiling more and my work life began to flourish, bringing into play the most interesting projects, and I felt a surge of positivity within me! Emotional well-being is paramount to a joyful life on earth!

(Excerpts from 3 TIPS: The Essentials for Peace, Joy and Success by Meera Gandhi)

Published on: Sunday, March 19, 2023, 07:00 AM IST